Sunday 8 January 2012

Start Cleaning Business with Duplex Cleaning Hong Kong

Start Your Own Successful Cleaning Services Business in Hong Kong with Duplex
  • Are you seeking a fresh challenge?
  • Looking to start your own business?
  • Desiring a more leisurely lifestyle?
Then this could be the business opportunity you've been searching for!

Duplex Cleaning Machines products are very popular with contract cleaning companies for their cleaning effectiveness, efficiency, versatility and ease of use. Given this popularity and the ever growing demand for cleaning services in this country; Duplex offer start cleaning business for those looking to start their own successful cleaning businesses.

Over the years we have helped equip many a successful start up contract cleaning business and our products open the doors to many possible start up cleaning business opportunities. For example, our customers have used Duplex products to start cleaning services businesses offering carpet cleaning, tile/safety floor cleaning, chewing gum removal, upholstery cleaning, car detailing, drape cleaning, kitchen cleaning, barbecue cleaning, and even escalator cleaning. Then of course there are businesses that offer it all. 

Why Invest in Duplex Products for Starting a Cleaning Business?

It's no secret that supplying quality products or service keeps customers happy and coming back for more. In cleaning services terms, when customers pay a commercial cleaning company to clean their premises they expect proper equipment to be used that will produce professional results; not a 10 year old mop & bucket! For this reason Duplex Cleaning Machines Hong Kong commercial contract cleaner customers are constantly experiencing high customer retention and referrals of their own.

Start set up your own cleaning business now by emailing us at or visit for further information.